Installationsansicht Abstract thought is a warm puppy, 2008 Raumarbeit mit Holzstäbenund Dispersion, 10,75 x 12,10 x 3 m, CCNOA - Center for Contemporary Non-Objective Art, Brussels, Photo: Sacha Georg
 | | Installationsansicht What I don't know about space, 2008 Raumarbeit mit schwarzem Klebeband und Farbe, 3,69 x 10 x 2,8 m, MUSEUM 52, London, Photo: Andy Keate
 | | TONSPUR_passage / quartier 21, MQ Wien, 2006, pure color on wall, 4,5 x 20 m, Vienna, Photo: Esther Stocker
 | | O.T., 2006, installation consisting of 4 parts, wooden boards, color, 2 x 1 x 4, 25 m, Zacherlfabrik, Vienna, Photo: Peter Zacherl
 | | By a formal point of view a wall exists only as surface, as delimitation of body and space and a wall doesn´t know anything about the other one. (Feldtkeller) In der formalen Betrachtung existiert die Wand nur als Oberfläche, als Begrenzung von Körper und Raum, wobei im Prinzip die eine Seite der Wand von der anderen nichts weiß. (Feldtkeller) Dal punto di vista formale, la parete esiste solo come superficie, come delimitazione di corpo e spazio; per quanto, in linea di principio, una faccia della parete non sappia nulla dell'altra. (Feldtkeller) 2006, black dispersion and white masking tape on wall and floor, 7, 05 m x 6, 20 m x 4, 15 m ca., Galleria Contemporaneo, Mestre, Photo: Primoz Bizjak
 | | Silo Barth, 2006, nitro-cellulose lacquer on iron, 15, 7 x 21, 5 m, Brixen/Bressanone, Photo: Jürgen Eheim |
 | | O.T., 2006, installation consisting of 2 parts (passageway), part 1: walkable, 7 x 1 x 2, 5 m, part 2: partly walkable, wooden boards, color,, 4, 7 x 1 x 2, 05 m, Galerie im Taxispalais, Innsbruck, Photo: Rainer Iglar
 | | O.T., 2006, installation, wooden boards, wooden panels, color, 13 x 12 x 3, 8 m, Galerie im Taxispalais, Innsbruck, Photo: Rainer Iglar
 | | I am afraid I must refuse, 2005, 47 sentences, refusing a request, project wall, © KUNSTHALLE Wien, Photo: Ellie Wyckoff
 | | The term "alike" may attract our attention, but in fact means nothing at all. (Frege) Das Wort "gleichartig" zieht unsere Aufmerksamkeit auf sich, und doch besagt es eigentlich gar nichts. (Frege) Il termine "affine" attrae la nostra attenzione anche se in realità non significa nulla. (Frege) 2004, masking tape on wall, wood boxes, 13, 3 x 5, 6 x 3, 4 m, AR/GE Kunst Galerie Museum Bozen, Photo: Martin Pardatscher
 | | What kind of objects are those that we presuppose? (Quine) Was sind das für Dinge, die wir voraussetzen? (Quine) Quali sono gli oggetti che presupponiamo? (Quine) 2005, wood construction, 8, 5 x 4 x 3, 2 m ca., Galerie Krobath Wimmer, Photo: W. Woessner |
 | | O.T., 2006, Masking foil on window, 215 x 243 cm, Galerie Krobath Wimmer, Vienna, Photo: Wolfgang Woessner
 | | Wandarbeit Nr. 2, 2002, acrylic on wall, 616 x 532 cm, Secession, Vienna, Photo: Matthias Herrmann
 | | Wandarbeit Nr. 3, 2003, acrylic on wall, wood, 310 x 430 cm, Galerie Krobath Wimmer, Vienna, Photo: W. Woessner  | | Wandarbeit Nr. 6, 2003, dispersion on wall, 12,5 x 18,5 m, Mariahilferstrasse 4, Graz, © LMJ Graz, Photo: Esther Stocker
 | | Wandarbeit Nr. 8, 2005, acrylic on wall, 380 x 466 cm, wallstreet one, Berlin, Photo: Esther Stocker
 | | O.T. , 2004, C-Print on aluminium, 49 x 37 cm
 | | O.T. , 2006, C-Print on aluminium, 49, 5 x 70 cm